Raise Our Banner High

Raise Our Banner High

A new banner made by David Jaques for UNITE Community branch 567 will be unfurled on Saturday 15th July at the Casa, with the screening of a new short film celebrating the occasion.

Liverpool artist David Jaques has produced a new banner which will be seen for the first time on this evening. We will also be screening a new short film by Hazuan Hashim and Phil Maxwell about the making of the banner and the importance of joining a Trade Union. There will be entertainment and speakers covering current issues facing workers, refugees and young people. Unite general secretary Sharon Graham has also been invited to speak.

It will be an evening of solidarity that will enable attendees to meet new comrades and share ideas. There will be a pay bar and food will be provided. All welcome!

Date and time: Saturday 15th July 2023 from 4pm – 8pm
Location: The Casa, 29 Hope Street, Liverpool L1 9BP

To get free tickets: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/raise-our-banner-high-tickets-666371925367

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