Death and the Maiden

Death and the Maiden

Death and the Maiden, by the Chilean author and playwright Ariel Dorfman, is being presented by EB Productions at the Hope Street Theatre on Sept 11th – 14th.

One night a stranger knocks on the door of a survivor of torture and her human rights lawyer husband. She recognises the stranger’s voice. Convinced he is the perpetrator of her violation, she proceeds to force a confession…

Ariel Dorfman is a Chilean author and playwright. Death and the Maiden was written in 1990, the year that Chile finally returned to democracy, its people coming to terms with the aftermath of Pinochet’s dictatorship.

The play questions personal morality, the nature of guilt and innocence, and how redemption is possible after personal and national divisions.

At the Hope Street Theatre on Sept 11th – 14th.

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