Death and the Maiden at Hope Street Theatre

Death and the Maiden at Hope Street Theatre

Death and the Maiden was written in 1990 by the Chilean author and playwright Ariel Dorfman and is being presented by EB Productions at the Hope Street Theatre on Sept 11th – 14th. There is a crowdfund set up which will contribute towards the production costs ensuring all creatives receive a fair wage.

Production Synopsis:

One night a stranger knocks on the door of a survivor of torture and her human rights lawyer husband. She recognises the stranger’s voice. Convinced he is the perpetrator of her violation, she proceeds to force a confession…

Ariel Dorfman is a Chilean author and playwright. Death and the Maiden was written in 1990, the year that Chile finally returned to democracy, its people coming to terms with the aftermath of Pinochet’s dictatorship.

The themes at the heart of the play exist at the intersection of trauma, guilt, innocence, morality and forgiveness. It asks us all the same questions: Where does our personal moral code sit? What would we do if faced with this very situation?

A message from the Creative Team:

“The reason why we wanted to produce and perform this play now is precisely because the threat of the far right, and autocratic leadership and dictatorships are still with us. We who care about fighting injustice and who are concerned about the polarisation of political ideology, need to heed warnings from the past and be aware that the threat of the far right is here and now, not something that happened in the past or ‘over there’. One of the ways of fighting back is to produce relevant political theatre as a provocation to help audiences understand and reflect on some big questions. This play is still resonant with today. Individuals and nations are divided and polarised, the recent European elections and the national political landscape in the UK, show us how divided we are. This play asks powerful questions about our personal moral codes in the pursuit of justice and forgiveness and how (or if) we can be reconciled, personally and politically, after such violent and repressive division.”

Your donations will enable the production company to fund:

  • Set, lighting and sound design skills and costs
  • Promotion costs, printing etc
  • Performance rights
  • Venue hire
  • Rehearsal Space
  • A living wage for 7-9 independent freelance creatives including, the actors, director and creative team

More information:

Link to Crowdfunder:

Production Dates: Sept 11th – 14th 2019
Where: The Hope Street Theatre, 22 Hope St, Liverpool L1 9BY
Ticket price: £12 / £10 conc
Age: 16+

Ticket link:

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