First ever Liverpool Kurdish Film Festival

First ever Liverpool Kurdish Film Festival

Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd November 2015
Pagoda Arts Centre, Henry Street, Liverpool

With the crises intensifying in the Middle East, The Kurds in Syria, and Iraq are playing a decisive role in defeating ISIS, whilst the Kurds in Iran and Turkey are attempting to hold back state clampdowns on their culture and their unique identity. But all are proposing their own long-term solutions to the crises in Middle East. With this in mind, The Kurdish Community in Liverpool would like to invite anyone who wants to find out more about Kurdish Life, politics, culture and ideas, to the Liverpool’s first ever Kurdish film festival. Bringing to life the Kurdish culture, life and politics through fantastic drama and documentary films with the added bonuses of speakers, discussion, music and the very first ever performance of Liverpool first Kurdish band, Koma Ro Jeeh.

Amazing never before films following the lives of Refugees in Austria, young homeless kids in Turkey, resistance fighters in Syria. And the mysteries death of 3 woman leaders of the Kurdish movement. All proceeds go towards the rebuilding of Kobane, the Syrian city that was all but destroyed during the war against ISIS, which ended in victory for the Kurds and their Arab and Christian friends.

For more info:

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to fully immerse yourself in a weekend of Kurdish Culture!!!

Films to be screened plus trailers:

21st November 2015 @ the Pagoda

4pm-7pm: Documentary Film followed by discussion
Before Dawn (Berroj)
Director(s): Ömer Leventoglu and Ihsan Kaçar / Turkey / 2015 / 70 min / Kurdistan / 70 min / English Subtitles

7pm-10pm: Feature film followed by discussion
Your Beauty is Worth Nothing
Director: Hüseyin Tabak / Feature Film | 86 min | Austria, Turkey
Cast: Abdulkadir Tuncer, Nazmi Kirik, Lale Yavas, Milica Paucic

22nd November 2015 @ the Pagoda

4pm – 7 pm: Documentary film followed by discussion.
Hope (Hêvi)
Director: Yuksel Yavuz / Documentary / Kurdistan / 99 min / English subtitles

4pm – 7pm: Feature film followed by discussion & live music from Koma Ro Jeeh
Min Dit: Children of Diyarbakir
Director: Miraz Bezar / Feature film / Kurdistan / 102 min / English Subtitles
Cast: Senay Orak, Muhammed Al, Hakan Karsak.

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