Free showings of I Daniel Blake

Free showings of I Daniel Blake

The Valley Theatre, Netherley
Saturday 13th May at 3pm and 5.30pm

free-showings-of-i-daniel-blake“This story is a vital, necessary antidote to all the daily lies and slanders against people on benefits in the Sun, Daily Mail etc.” From a Nerve review of I Daniel Blake.

Scenes like those shown in this film are now a regular occurrence around Britain. One particular case of a 55 year old man from Netherley is particularly nasty. The following is from The Canary of 1st March 2017:

“Shocking allegations

A seriously ill 55-year-old father died after the DWP told his GP not to write him any more sick notes. The department declared James Harrison, from Netherley, fit for work after having a WCA [Work Capability Assessment]. This was despite him living with a serious lung condition, depression and anxiety. Harrison had worked for 30 years before losing his job at a community centre. He fell ill last year, and died of heart failure in November 2016.”

Liverpool Against the Cuts have organised two free showings of the film at Valley Theatre in Netherley on Saturday 13th May; 3pm and 5.30pm.

Check out the full Nerve reviews on this site.


  1. Thank you for showing this film.


  2. Would have loved to have come to this but can’t make it. Brilliant that this is being shown. Hope it inspires people to stand up and speak out! #peoplepower!


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