Book Launch of The Hammer Blow – How 10 women disarmed a warplane

Book Launch of The Hammer Blow - How 10 women disarmed a warplane

Book Launch
Thursday 9th June at 6pm
News from Nowhere Bookshop

20 years ago, a small group of women broke into a British Aerospace factory and disarmed a Hawk warplane to stop it from being used in Indonesia’s genocide in East Timor. They handed themselves in and were charged with £1.5million of damage. After 6 months in prison waiting to come to trial, they were cleared of all charges by a jury.
Join us to hear Andrea Needham and Jo Blackman talk about their story, and hear Andrea read from her recently published memoir ‘The Hammer Blow’.

There will also be a short film drawn from original footage used as evidence in the trial.
Plus tea/coffee and cake!

The event is FREE, but donations are welcome to cover event costs.
Facebook event page:

Thursday 9th June at 6pm
News from Nowhere Bookshop
96 Bold Street, Liverpool L1 4HY. Full disabled access.
(Near the top of Bold St; about 5 mins walk from Liverpool Central)

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