Calling all Asperger’s/autistic writers

Calling all Asperger's/autistic writers

My name is Glenda Browne and I have Aspergers.  I am a self-published author and poet of three books, a fiction and two poetry books. I am the founder of AutismWriters.

I am in the process of setting up a writing group for those on the spectrum, who have a passion for writing, or are interested in learning more about this.

I believe writing is a great tool to give our voice, I was mute for years with no way of expressing myself, then during a difficult time, I was drawn to pick up pen and paper, and that is where it all began for me.

I see so much value to writing for those on the spectrum, and I am very passionate about helping others learn to do this, or hone in on their talent, whatever level that may be.

From this group, I am looking to set up a publisher for those on the spectrum in the community, run by those who attend the group. They will have an opportunity to be a part of AutismWriters team and will be trained in their expert areas/skills if they are interested in the opportunity.

As you can see, it will be a fantastic opportunity for our autistic community, but I write to seek your help and ask if you could post about this, or help get the word out to the autistic community in any way? Social media is making it difficult to reach the people who may benefit from this, and I was advised to contact and ask people like yourself to help if possible.

Kind regards
Glenda, AutismWriters

I am on twitter @AutismWriters1
Also, Facebook @AutismWriters
Email: AutismWriters3333[at]


  1. Hi,
    I would like to know more. My name is Grace Lynch. I am a late-diagnosed autistic person. I have been writing all my life and hold college BS degrees in English, mathematics, and computer science.
    I was misdiagnosed for three decades, and now am exploring life finally as an unhindered person with autism. My main interest for writing has to do with the nature of language, as well as context, from an autistic perspective. I simply want to share what I have had to build in order to cope with life. There was never anyone to help, so I created my tools from scratch in 2011 when the mental health industry gave up on me. The tools may seem a bit odd, perhaps, at first, but I never get “lost” anymore.
    I wish there were more autistic voices in the world. Sometimes I feel like there is no one like me – I think in music, not words, actually.
    I also have a grown son who is autistic and his is similar, though not identical, to mine. He is equally gifted. He also cross-processes his sensory input like I do.
    I would like to share and know more people like me, if there are any.
    I hope to hear from you. I just worked up the courage to do a search and I found this site. I live in Rochester NY. I am 55 years old.
    Peace, Grace Lynch


  2. Hi Grace,
    I think in poetry. I am autistic too. Life has had it’s difficulties regarding the diagnosis. I write, have been successful when I decided to enter into things. One of my grandsons is severely autistic but so bright in many ways and a real comic. My upbringing was poor and I have written a book for my family explaining what I was like as a child so they might understand me when I’ve ‘gone on’. Any way this wasn’t supposed to be about me. I was just, wow, someone thinks in music just as my thinking, especially as a child, is in poetry. Music , words, beat, also have a big effect on me. Did the writer’s group take off by the way? I am very interested. Wishing you every success from England. Regards, Glen.


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