Summer Sessions: Poetry and Protest

Summer Sessions: Poetry and Protest

Tuesday 9th August, 1pm-4pm
Free – Booking Required

(Photograph of Youth Training Scheme Protest, Liverpool, 25 April 1985 © Dave Sinclair)

Join Open Eye Gallery’s writer in residence Pauline Rowe, American poet and activist Juliana Spahr, and poets Sean Bonney and Ruby Robinson to explore Poetry and Protest.

Participants will engage with Open Eye Gallery’s Liverpool Biennial 2016 exhibition, which includes Japanese artist Koki Tanaka’s restaging of a huge protest in Liverpool (1985). The march involved around 10,000 children, all of whom were angered by the Conservative government’s Youth Training Scheme (YTS). The exhibition comprises of archival material of the original protest by Liverpool photographer Dave Sinclair alongside new films and photography from Koki Tanaka of his recent restaging of the march.

The poets will read extracts from their own work, exploring protest in different forms and encourage responses in writing from participants.

The workshop will explore themes of citizenship, civil action, human rights, and the radical roles played by the literary and visual arts.

The workshop is free to attend but places are limited. To avoid disappointment please RSVP to Dr Emma Hayward at to confirm your place.

The workshop is delivered on behalf of the University of Liverpool’s Centre for New and International Writing and Liverpool Biennial 2016.

Open Eye Gallery, 19 Mann Island, Liverpool Waterfront, L3 1BP

0151 236 6768

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