Mother Goose Xmas Panto

Mother Goose Xmas Panto

Burjesta Theatre presents….Mother Goose Xmas Panto
9th December – 13th January
The Casa, 29 Hope Street, L1 9BQ

It’s the original and funniest panto of ’em all, an adaptation of the 1806 Drury Lane shows featuring….

Mother Goose
A rather beleagured goose!
A wandering Golden Egg
The lovers, Harlequin and Columbine running away together
And in hot pursuit the villains of the piece…
Pantaloon and the Clown
Introducing the very strange…’Oddfish’!!

And with tickets at only £7 for adults and £5 for children
It truly is the best value panto in Liverpool.
So come along to the People’s Panto at….

The Casa,
29 Hope Street, Liverpool, L1 9BQ
Click on the following link to book tickets now –

And here are all the dates and times –

Saturday 9th, 2pm
Monday 11th, 7pm
Thursday 14th, 7pm
Saturday 16th, 2pm
Tuesday 19th, 7pm
Wednesday 20th, 7pm
Saturday 23rd, 2pm

Saturday 6th, 2pm
Thursday 11th, 7pm
Saturday 13th, 2pm
Twitter – @burjesta
Facebook – Burjesta Theatre

A PB Production for ‘Theatre At The Casa’

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