Moulettes visiting Liverpool

Moulettes visiting Liverpool

Liverpool Philharmonic Hall Music Room
Sunday 3rd December 2017

Preview by Rob Harrison

The Moulettes seem to have sprung from nowhere to occupy a space called unclassifiable.

Lazy comparisons to Radiohead abound but journalists and rock writers will spin creative tall tales about various new bands as the next big thing.

In the actual occurrence of something new and radical they are a bit stumped in this new samey samey pop world we now inhabit.

Actually they sound more like The Raincoats in a post feminist neo post punk way. Throw in a neo classical phase complete with folk harmonies, combined with difficult Math Rock musical excursions with Zappaesque shades, and a bit of King Crimson also thrown in for good measure, and you have it.

The band was formed by Hannah Miller in Glastonbury and has had different lineups and incarnations. It now it consists of various multi instrumentalists to add layers and interpretations to their strange tapestry.

So, an eclectic night guaranteed for all. So head off and check them out at the Liverpool Philharmonic on 3rd December.

Tickets on sale now, priced £14.

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