Course on the play “The Island”

Course on the play "The Island"

A ten week course, reading and exploring the “ground-breaking” play “The Island”, which was written by Athol Fugard, John Kani and Winston Ntshona.

“The Island” was one of the most influential plays to come out of the anti-apartheid struggle in South Africa. Along with “Sizwe Bansi is dead”, it brought world-wide recognition to its authors, and the horrors of Apartheid to a British audience.

This ten week course at Blackburne House, hosted by the Workers’ Educational Association, explores the play’s many facets: as a work of literature but also as a political and cultural phenomenon.

Starts Wednesday 20th September, 7pm, at Blackburne House, Blackburne Pl, Liverpool L8 7PE.

Enrol NOW at:
Or by phone at: 0151 243 5340
Or come to the first session.
Places limited: first come first served.
More details:

* Free to those on eligible benefits.

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