Valley Theatre present a “Theatre Performance” Course

Valley Theatre present a “Theatre Performance” Course

Starts Wed 14th September
Valley Theatre, Childwall Valley Road, L27 3YA
Free to those on eligible benefits

Valley Theatre are looking for people to enrol on their Theatre Performance Course starting on Wed 14th September.

The course is particularly targeted at writers and performers who are looking for “hands on” experience of putting on plays in a real theatre.

This Autumn, the Theatre Performance Course will be putting on a public performance of short themed plays by local writers (including those on the course). There will then be an opportunity to contribute to the Valley’s popular xmas show in December.

Past Theatre Performance Courses have produced a wide variety of shows on themes as diverse as Internet dating, Bullying at Work, life on a pre-fab estate, as well as more traditional plays such as Jekyl and Hyde, Scrooge and the Canterbury Tales.

If you are interested in acting or writing for the theatre (or even backstage work!), don’t miss this opportunity.The course runs every Wed from 14th Sept, 7pm to 9pm at Valley Theatre, Childwall Valley Road, L27 3YA. The course is free to those on eligible benefits, otherwise £36.75.

Enrol online at:
Or by phone at: 0151243 5340
Or at the first session

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