That was a really good 45 minutes listening at 12midnight. A good selection of interviews, interesting and unexpected music, light voice intro’s with plenty of variety.
Don’t know if Nerve Radio is getting enough promotion or if it’s simply a case of it being hard to gather or attract an ever fragmenting audience for any non-mainstream media outputs either online or offline.
I think it would be interesting to see the download date and figures for each of the programmmes then perhaps consider a strategy to attact more listenings/downloads. ie to grow an audience…
That was a really good 45 minutes listening at 12midnight. A good selection of interviews, interesting and unexpected music, light voice intro’s with plenty of variety.
Don’t know if Nerve Radio is getting enough promotion or if it’s simply a case of it being hard to gather or attract an ever fragmenting audience for any non-mainstream media outputs either online or offline.
I think it would be interesting to see the download date and figures for each of the programmmes then perhaps consider a strategy to attact more listenings/downloads. ie to grow an audience…
Redskye@Night (-;
I’m impressed