News & Comment

Tribute to Colin Serjent

It is with a heavy heart that we write to tell you that Colin Serjent, stalwart of Nerve Magazine for twenty years, passed away at the weekend aged 70.

Workers Theatre Movement Play Project

Wanted: groups, writers, actors and all interested in grassroots theatre for “Workers Playtime”, an exciting new grassroots theatre opportunity culminating in 3 nights of performance at Hope Street Theatre.

Retrofitting Liverpool

Transition Liverpool will be hosting their annual gathering on Saturday 5th October and the theme this year is ‘Retrofitting Liverpool’.

Kinds of Kindness (18)

Nick Daly reviews the black comedy film Kinds of Kindness, directed by Yorgos Lanthimos and starring Emma Stone and William Dafoe, screening at FACT from July 5th 2024.

Accidental Ecology on Alareer Square

On 7th June, students from Liverpool University set up an encampment in Abercromby square, now renamed Alareer Square, in solidarity with the people of Palestine, and an unexpected consequence of this has been positive changes to the local ecology of the land around the tents.

Boys From The Blackstuff

Richard Lewis reviews the production of Boys From The Blackstuff, the landmark drama initially broadcast on BBC2 in 1982, performed at the Royal Court till 11th May.

Challengers (15)

Nick Daly reviews the new sports drama film Challengers, directed by Luca Guadagnino and starring Zendaya, showing at FACT from April 26th 2024.

The Legend of Ned Ludd

Neil Morrin reviews the play The Legend of Ned Ludd which explores what happens when machines make decisions rather than humans, on at the Everyman Theatre until May 11th.

Jamie Reid: A Memorial Exhibition

Into the Light is an exhibition of the artist Jamie Reid (1947 – 2023) who was graphic designer for the Sex Pistols and much else, starting Feb 28th – March 29th at the John Lennon Art and Design Building, 2 Duckinfield Street, L3 5RD.

Poor Things (18)

Nick Daly reviews the new film Poor Things, directed by Yorgos Lanthimos and adapted from a novel by Alasdair Gray, showing at Picturehouse, Liverpool.

Those Roads

Rob Harrison reviews Those Roads, a new song by Úna Quinn and Neil Campbell, specially commissioned by the Liverpool Irish Festival 2023.

Siapiau - Pi - 161CD (2023)

Rob Harrison reviews the new album by Siapiau, an improvisational quartet who have been playing together in different formats for over twenty years. For this new project all that experience is put to good use in a blend of poetry and free jazz in this excellent CD from Discus records.

Night to Remember Colin

We are having a night to remember the life of Colin Serjent at the Pilgrim Pub on Wednesday 11th October from 6pm.

Raise Our Banner High

A new banner made by David Jaques for UNITE Community branch 567 will be unfurled on Saturday 15th July, with the screening of a new short film celebrating the occasion.

Where's our Dooleys - Lost artworks sought

The hunt is on for 2 pieces of art which once graced the old Speaker’s Platform at the Pier Head designed by the sculptor Arthur Dooley and architect Jim Hunter to mark the 125th anniversary of the founding of the TUC.

Tribute to Gina Shaw

Nerve remembers Gina Shaw who campaigned for more awareness of dementia as well as being a nurse, organiser, activist and extraordinary human being.