Anti-Fascist Conference and Fundraiser

Anti-Fascist Conference and Fundraiser

Merseyside Anti-Fascist Network
Saturday 5th December 2015, 9.30am – 4pm
Unite the Union North West Office, Jack Jones House (Near Lime Street Station)
2 Churchill Way, Islington, Liverpool L3 8EF

With anti-Semitism still prevalent and the media spin contributing to the ever rising threat of Islamophobia, fascist ideology and right wing activist groups are ever increasing. Refugees fleeing war ridden countries are being used as right wing propaganda. The climate of racism against immigrants and Muslims, together with harsh and uncertain economic circumstances, have created conditions that have allowed the Nazis to grow.

Opposing Fascism in all forms – Education and sharing knowledge – Examining how fascism has been opposed past and present – Improving communication between our activists and campaign groups – Strategies to win the fight against fascism in our communities.

This conference argues that anti-fascist groups/activist from across our movement need opportunities to come together to learn lessons from each other and our history. This enables us build effective strategies to fight fascism now. New activists need to be developed and supported through education and actions.

Sessions include:

  • Lessons from History – Fighting Fascism in 70’s and 80’s
  • Communications, Strategies and tactics to fight back
  • The evolution of fascism – Know your enemy
  • Know your Rights – Green and Black Cross

The conference is open to everyone (experienced and inexperienced anti-fascist activists) and registration begins at 9.30am with the sessions starting at 10.00am.

You must register in advance for a free ticket and tickets are available from News from Nowhere book shop (Bold St, Liverpool) or contact Merseyside Anti-Fascist Network (

Organised by Merseyside Anti-Fascist Network, hosted by Unite the Union, supported by Merseyside Trades Council.

Anti-Fascist Fundraiser Gig

anti_fascist_conference_gig2Saturday 5th Dec 2015, 8pm – late
District, 61 Jordan Street, Liverpool

Featuring Faux Queens (High Energy Dancehall), YFM & Jimmy the Angry (Noisy Political Rant Heavy Electronica), The Laments Little Things (Jazz Time Bluegrass Stomping’s), DJ Red Rooster, DJ (Junglist Mega Beats) and Morag Reid (Powerful Spoken Word)

Tickets will be available on the door. However we recommend that you book tickets in advance.

Tickets (£3 unwaged, £7 waged) are available from News from Nowhere book shop (Bold St Liverpool) or contact Merseyside Anti-Fascist Network (

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