Fire Service still at risk!

Fire Service still at risk!

Night cover plans postponed, but cuts to the service still imposed

What was thought to be a victory for the campaign to save the night service at these stations was only a partial success. Last Friday a new crewing duty system was introduced at Wallasey and Liverpool City Centre Fire Stations.

All the crews, at both locations, have now been posted throughout the brigade, some on different colour watch systems, some to locations further away from home; with firefighters brought in at night, on flat rate overtime, instead of leaving well established crews at these stations.

So firefighters who have formed strong bonds with fellow watch members, many who have been at these stations for as long as 30 years, have been scattered far and wide, and with them they take all that local and topographical knowledge that enabled them to get to you quickly when needed.

This is revenge against your firefighters, who campaigned relentlessly to keep night time fire cover.

Please continue to support firefighters and their fight for the fire service that you pay for, and not the dire service you currently receive.

Edited from Wallasey Hands Off Our Fire Station (WHOOFS) Facebook page.

For more info on the campaign to keep the night cover at Wallasey and Liverpool City Centre Fire Stations see:

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