Toxteth Food Central Fire Recovery

Toxteth Food Central Fire Recovery

On Sunday 11th October there was a massive fire on Windsor Street, Toxteth, which destroyed the partly built Toxteth Food Central community hub.

Here is the link to the Go Fund Me page to support the project – please support it if you can & share it widely, thanks. Below is some info taken from the page:

“A group of local residents alongside community health organisation Squash Nutrition, have spent the last 18 months planning Toxteth Food Central – a pioneering, community-led, sustainable food hub for the benefit of everyone in the L8 neighbourhood of Liverpool. We were successful in gaining a Social Investment Business grant and started building in August – and the beautiful timber frame structure began to take shape on Windsor Street. But on Sunday 11th October, with only 8 weeks to completion, a raging fire ripped through and destroyed the building. It was so incredibly shocking. The police are investigating what appears to be arson, not accident.We are really sad but are determined to carry on and rebuild our community dream! We are totally committed to completing our plans for a much needed and longed for community cafe, affordable fresh food shop, food garden and training kitchen to open in early 2016. This will also provide training and volunteering opportunities, local apprenticeships and jobs. This is a setback for the whole neighbourhood.

We know we will need to find increased funds to keep the building project on track – and don’t yet know the full extent needed but these will include:

  • Demolition/site clearance
  • Additional security whilst we rebuild
  • Legal costs
  • Increased insurance premiums
  • Planting fruit trees at the front of the site (scorched at front)
  • New community information signs (melted in blaze)

We will be posting updates on facebook and twitter – and please come along and meet us at our next community cafe at the Grapes Community Food Garden, next door to Toxteth TV, Windsor Street, 12-2pm on Friday 6th November 2015.

Thanks for taking the time to read this and please help us spread the word by sharing this however you can.
We really, really appreciate it.”

Fundraising page:

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