What Are You Going To Do With 390 Photographs of Christmas Trees​?

What Are You Going To Do With 390 Photographs of Christmas Trees​?

Screening of animation by Lawrie Vause
Granby Winter Garden
19th February 2023

Reviewed by Nicholas Couchman

As reported recently in this magazine, local artist Lawrie Vause arranged a screening of his animation “What Are You Going To Do With 390 Photographs of Christmas Trees​?​” at Granby Winter Garden on 19th February. Lawrie himself and local musician and teacher Rachael Diop provided live music to accompany the credits for the film. A short video of this can be found at:

The evening was arranged for multiple screenings depending on the number of attendees. The event was very well attended, with about fifty people arriving. So in all the film was screened four times. Everything went smoothly, partly due to Wayne, a friend of Lawrie, who acted as projectionist. There were no technical hitches and sound and vision were both very good. The audience were very appreciative and applauded at length at the end of each screening.

Lawrie can rightly congratulate himself on another well executed and successful project.

1 Comment

  1. It was a lovely evening. Hot chocolate and digestives too.


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