Certain Women (12A)

Certain Women (12A)

Directed by Kelly Reichardt
Picturehouse, Liverpool
From 3rd March 2017

Reviewed by Colin Serjent

This film has received a lot of critical acclaim but I am not sure what all the fuss is about. It comprises three segments putting the spotlight on individual women in each of them, with none of them having any connection.

It is based on stories by Maile Meloy.

Laura Dern plays a lawyer representing a psycho-like character played by Jared Harris; the second is Michelle Williams in the role of a married woman who wants to construct her own home outside of town. Exciting stuff! The third is an up-and-coming lawyer (Kristen Stewart), who supplements her income by running classes for teachers about particular aspects of American history, which involves an eight hour round journey from where she resides. One of the students, who runs a horse stable, is infatuated by her.

The scene when the two of them go on one of her horses from the classroom to a diner to eat together is heartwarming to behold.

I walked out after he movie had finished and asked myself what was the point in director Kelly Reichardt making it. The narrative was less than memorable, the acting so-so, the storyline almost non-existent.

The only saving grace was the at times highly impressive cinematography by Chris Blauvelt. Set in Montana in winter, he captures the natural settings in an engrossing way.

The most notable example for me was the two minute or so image of Williams staring through a passenger seat window with shadows of trees reflecting on the glass, as the car sped along a country road.

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