Doctor Faustus

Doctor Faustus

Presented by Brimstone Theatre
The Black-E, Liverpool
24th – 26th November 2016

Reviewed by Pete Clarke

A very powerful company director once said to me: “There are only three people in corporations who have great importance, the accountant, cleaner and canteen staff, between the three of these all information about the business and individuals can be gleamed.”

Yet the trichotomy of modernism is but the repeat of well tongued tales.

Tis said, nay tis heard, “For how the progeny of a certain shoemaker shall make pace for the soul”

Now i am sorry (really I apologise) for the badly shod start.
But the point being that the knowledge of trade craft as a tradition to encompass both an aesthetical well being and purpose.
At what point does ability develop to excellence?
(Plus it’s an opener to get your attention).

Some rare beings occupy the juncture of real and ethereal with great purpose.
The Black-E hosted a fine evening.
Was this the play that launched a thousand critiques, to burn the topless towers of silly puns?

Seriously the quality of the actors, their abilities to engage and capture the audience with devices such as unearthly gifts, (maybe the director and crew leased their souls in similarly satanic pact heaven sent), to release us mere mortals unto the realms of the infinite, the solidity of Terra Firma in flight to the seduction of Semele (greek mythology-Moon).

The power of a whisper in an empty room at three a.m, will be more potent than a thousand souls screaming at midday.

So Marlowe had in the original, (yes i was there) a fine thread of questions to be answered regards that old chestnut, ‘what are we doing here purpose of life.”

Marlowe had an essential grasp upon the human condition and the society of Renaissance Europe, The power of Magnus Rex to Plebe Pauperum (common poor) Catholicism.

The existential states of genius and descent to madness. or possibly the descent of madness gives rise to the pinnacle of genius.

The aptly named Brimstone Theatre stage group embodied the original with great aplomb.

The use of limited resources in scene setting was very well arranged, also to overcome some of the shortcomings in the venue, an example for the skill and purpose of Brimstone’s group.
There was also effective costumes and make up.

It was also reported, that the spirit of the Great Gielgud assisted in disassembly the stage at performance end.

I would definitely recommend keeping an eye on these band of troupers. They will be wonderfully gracing a stage near you.

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