Green Room (18)

Green Room (18)

Directed by Jeremy Saulnier
Picturehouse, Liverpool
From 13th May 2016

Reviewed by Colin Serjent

I could find little to recommend in this film unless you like dollops of ultra-violence. It left me cold. Yet one more example of Hollywood and the public relish for a gore fest.

It was 97 minutes too long – the film’s duration was 97 minutes!

The plot, paper thin at best, revolved around a young punk band who are imprisoned in a sleazy venue, where they had performed in front of a crowd of white supremacists.

There then followed many scenes of bloodshed, the worst being one of the security dogs based there, tearing open the throat of one of the band. People pay to see this type of dross.

The leader of the white supremacists – in an odd role for him – was Patrick Stewart. It was a case of him acting by numbers.

The best sequence in the film was when director Jeremy Saulnier created a slowed down version of the band playing on stage, with the audience snarling their hatred of them.

Near the end of the movie you see one of the dogs involved in the savagery slowly walking along a country road near the venue, with his lead trailing behind him. I was not sure what this was meant to symbolise. Like the rest of Green Room it was incomprehensible.

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