Metamorphoses (15)

Metamorphoses (15)

Directed by Christophe Honore
Picturehouse, Liverpool
22nd August 2017

Reviewed by Colin Serjent

This is a very watchable film even though at times it is preposterous bordering very much on pretentiousness, but at other times it is utterly engaging.

Director Christophe Honore has adapted Ovid’s Metamorphoses, an anthology of classical myths in which humans are changed into animal and vegetable creations by sadistic, mercurial, or merciful gods.

You would imagine that it would take place in Greece but instead it is staged in coastal and urban areas in contemporary France.

It encompasses a number of transmutation stories, with the central figure being Europa (Amira Akiti) being seduced by the father of the gods, Jupiter (Sebastian Hirel).

It does get confusing , dreamlike and surrealistic at times, which makes it extraordinary. Stories are told within stories throughout.

The movie is abundant with sexuality. It is a long time since I have seen so much naked human flesh in a film! It’s polysexual too.

The most arresting scenes though were the shots of nature, notably shimmering images of rivers and moonlit woods. Magic in more ways than one.

Forthcoming films under the Discover Tuesday series of films at Picturehouse include Souvenir (29 August); City Of Ghosts (5 September); The Ghoul (12 September); and Mimosas (19 September).

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