Mother Goose Xmas Panto

Mother Goose Xmas Panto

Presented by Burjesta Theatre
Adapted by Julian Bond
Directed by Mikyla Jane Durkan
The Casa, Hope Street, Liverpool
On various nights till 13th January 2018

Reviewed by Colin Serjent

This panto, the people’s panto, has a many and varied mix, including music, sound effects, dance, mime, comic one-liners and umpteen costume changes (often very colourful in appearance), especially hats!

At times the production seems to have a dream-like aura, with oddball characters popping up, as if from nowhere, and disappearing just as quickly.

The highlight of this unusual staging of Mother Goose was the opening 15 minutes of the second half, which comprised cleverly executed mime and silent film techniques between those on stage, with no words being spoken.

The music included two renditions of ‘I’ve Been Everywhere’ recorded by Johnny Cash, with the audience loudly joining in, snatches of accordian, 1940s jazz, ragtime and a brief excerpt of ‘I Put A Spell On You’.

There was also the sound of music being played by an imaginary harp.

One of the best one-liners was when Goose (Edmund O’Hare), after laying an egg, is described as an ‘eggpert’ – the golden egg being laid.

Among the many surreal moments occur when Mother Goose (Bob Towers) transforms characters into different entities.

There were sound effects aplenty, including bees buzzing, a dog barking (woof! woof!), waves crashing against the shore accompanied by the noise of seagulls, and even a very brief burst of flatulence!

A political point was made towards the end when Mother Goose commented “All you people ever do is leave rubbish everywhere, resulting in plastic debris on the ocean floors” How very true Mother Goose….

Six other actors took part, playing 25 different roles.

They were Teneya – Colinette, Columbine, Xantippe, Sprite, Hat Stand, Morris Dancer, Oddfish;
Maggie Green – Pennypinch, Pantaloon;
George Melling – Peasant Poet, Owl, Vicar – Th’ Owd Chap;
P J Murray – Peasant, Sprite, Morris Dancer, Lion, Hat Stand, Musician, Cash Machine, Bin;
Yahya Baggash – Colin, Harlequin, Operators
Peter Durr – Squire, Clown.

Forthcoming dates of Mother Goose at the Casa are:-

Tuesday 19th December at 7pm
Wednesday 20th December at 7pm
Saturday 23rd December at 2pm
Saturday 6th January at 2pm
Thursday 11th January at 7pm
Saturday 13th January at 2pm

For more information about Burjesta Theatre go to;

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