Spanner in the Works

Spanner in the Works

By Beans On Toast
Xtra Mile Recordings

Reviewed by Pete O’Neill

Clogs as in footwear, also clogs as in blockages in systems.
The origins of sabotage?
A spanner in the works,
Spanners in the work.
Spannered as in shitfaced.

Chicken or egg or more succinctly tin or tin-opener.
Believe it or not there is more than it seems to this stalwart of council house banquets.
Well baked in history from Indigenous Tribe to Pilgrims Progress.

The improper use of propaganda has fooled us `Euro’beans too think their beans are baked.
Well they are not baked in any way.
One million tins per day according to marketing blurb.

Now we have no more to suffer this injustice.
Saved by the musical and lyrical raspiness of sweet raspberries is a refreshing taste of BEANS OF TOAST.
A snack or a feast filler you chose.

With echoes of old shanty to drinking song meets symphonic syllables.
Political rhymes to describe injustice and crimes.
Now you might be thinking, oh fuck it’s The Streets had a bastard child with Sleaford Mods while Seething Stephen Wells distilled an I.V.F Mutant.
You may be right.
If you haven’t before, then listen to this band of touring troubadours, they are currently wandering around the UK desperate to play for food or applause.
Thought of the day “Don’t get too spannered in the ‘Damn if you see them there, get spannered after the gig.
As Cicero once might of said, “When I go to Rome I do as the Romans do, just do not become one”.

I both positively and positively recommend, buy the album, (DO NOT SHOPLIFT). See them live. Nice one.

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