Make a noise about May!

Make a noise about May!

Liverpool May Day Parade – Monday 1st May 2017
Assemble 12.30pm
Toxteth Library, Windsor Street, Liverpool L8

Come together to celebrate International Workers Day and protest against the Tory cuts being implemented by Labour Councils!
Amongst those going already are:

  • Trades Councils from across Merseyside
  • James Larkin Society (marching from the Globe on Combermere St. (off Park Rd.) starting at 12.00pm)
  • Liverpool Socialist Singers
  • Liverpool Against the Cuts ‘Save Our Libraries Campaign’
  • Save the Womens’ Hospital Campaign
  • Drummers

Leading the march will be a giant model of George Garrett, who led the first Hunger March in 1922 from Liverpool to London (see: )

Organisers Liverpool Trades Council and Writing on the Wall Festival

Bring your banners and your instruments. Make a noise about May!

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