RMT train strike picket at Lime Street railway station

RMT train strike picket at Lime Street railway station

RMT train strike picket at Lime Street railway station (or How Avanti West Coast literally make me ill!)

By Tracey Dunn, 13th December 2022

I spent this morning supporting the local Liverpool branch of the RMT union outside Lime Street railway station. Those on strike work on the Avanti West Coast line, Mersey Rail, and Northern. I had booked an Avanti West Coast train ticket on the day of release for travel to London today. I was planning to stay with my family over Christmas but life had other plans!

I have always been a frequent and anxious train traveller (especially since Avanti West Coast took over the franchise!). I was always first in the queue, when the platform gate was there, and an hour early if I bought a ticket on the day because I wanted to get a decent table seat in the unreserved carriage front facing with a view and no sun in my eyes!!.

Nearly every journey with Avanti has been problematic. If it’s not signal failures, it’s delays or jam packed trains. I would be constantly scrolling twitter the night before my trip and read about fires by the tracks, floods, cancellations, triple bookings and people jamming the aisles. Avanti literally make me ill.

I had only ever had one problem with Virgin in 20 years…a train at Lime Street cancelled because of unexpected snow. Virgin prices were affordable, always available to book 3 months ahead and smooth, pleasant journeys. I really loved those train rides.

When RMT called the first of the ‘Christmas’ train strikes on the day I was travelling I was secretly relieved. My stomach had been in knots since I booked and I was literally sleeping poorly and frantic as I was so nervous as to how the journey would go. I told my family I just couldn’t face the Avanti nightmare and would wait until Christmas and New Year were over.

I am also absolutely thrilled that the RMT Union are saying ‘Enough is Enough!’ They are fighting for better terms and conditions like keeping guards on trains and also the ticket offices to remain staffed. Obviously they deserve a decent pay rise as do many other workers. They also recognise that the government are not being fair and are treating so many different workers appallingly. RMT believe in solidarity and they support our teachers, nurses, postal workers and every other worker not being valued and going on strike. It really is time for action!!

I talked to so many people on the picket. I was feeling very emotional as I realised I would not be celebrating Christmas with my extended family in London. I actually had a bit of a wobble and had a cry when I first started talking to a group of female train staff on strike. I hadn’t slept much and had discovered neither had my mum or sister..We’d all woke up around 4am and my sister and I had both just coincidentally dreamt of our late dad who died in July 2020. I don’t recall ever dreaming about my dad before. No wonder I was feeling a bit sad.

I told the women I would be ok and that I really was so glad they were striking. I said I fully supported RMT’s decision to call the strikes and it was so worth missing Christmas if it meant things could improve for us all.

I also decided to donate my train ticket refund to the local RMT branch…strikers don’t get paid and I feel if you are in a position to support a strike fund it’s important you do.

I was now talking away to so many friendly railway workers who were incredibly grateful for my support. It really is the least I can do to help them fight for change.

I especially enjoyed talking to the RMT banner designer and maker…it was fascinating to learn how he had made one particular banner. He told me in intricate detail what he did. So clever! I really love all the beautiful and powerful banners brought out for marches, demos and strikes. We also talked about the 1911 transport strike in Liverpool. Churchill sent tanks to St. George’s Hall and gun ships up the Mersey.

I wish all the strikers the best of luck and I thank them deeply for what they are doing. All power to them. I left the picket after about an hour and a half feeling totally uplifted and proud of these people who are literally putting themselves on the line! Let’s hope for a successful outcome and a happy holiday for all.

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