‘STRIKE’ march and rally in Liverpool

'STRIKE' march and rally in Liverpool

Wednesday 1st February 2023
Metropolitan Cathedral to the Adelphi Hotel

Photos, videos and text by Tracey Dunn

Teachers, rail workers, museum and gallery workers, communication workers, creative workers, trade unions and many others came out for a march through Liverpool.

They are demanding to be paid properly, valued and treated fairly!

The Tories are attacking our fundamental right to strike – a fundamental, democratic right.

They want to make us pay for a crisis caused by their greed.

We won’t accept it!

We Marched in solidarity and striked together for pay that beats the cost-of-living crisis.

We took a stand!

The march ended at the Adelphi Hotel where there were indoor speakers and an outdoor rally with speakers from across the movement. Strike!!!!!

Workers Strike Liverpool from Tracey Dunn on Vimeo.


1 Comment

  1. Brilliant pictures Tracey. What an uplifting sight! So many marchers that the largest hall in the Adelphi couldn’t hold them, so as well as the main rally and the outdoor one there was a third rally in the foyer.


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