Workers get Active

Workers get Active

Something is stirring amongst workers who live without predictability or security; the ‘precariat’, sociologists call them. These are the workers who are on low or zero hours contracts, those classed as self-employed, (when in fact they work for the same employer all the time), and agency workers.

These workers are getting organised, whether into traditional unions such as the GMB and Unite, or into more direct action unions such as the IWW and United Voices of the World.*

They are winning better pay and conditions, such as the cinema workers, employed by Picturehouse, who have won the Living Wage in some London venues (but not in Liverpool), and the victory by Uber taxi drivers, which classes them as employees with full employment rights; meaning they now get sick pay and holiday entitlement.

Meanwhile locally, Adelphi Hotel staff, members of the RMT, have been on strike to end poverty pay and zero hours. And we now hear that Everton Football Club are to pay all its workers, including contractors and agency staff, at least £8.25 an hour.

Nerve calls on all employers to end the precarious condition of the workers in their place of work.

*see Solidarity Makes Sense by Minnie Stacey

1 Comment

  1. Thank you. What do you think about IWW?


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