Nerve 26...OUT
Watch this space to read all the articles in Nerve
26 coming up on the new Nerve website later in May 2016.
Get your free copies of Nerve 26 from , Bold Street, Liverpool, L1 or from
- 30/11/2015
Minnie Stacey reviews the free events to celebrate the life of Joe
Hill held at the Adelphi Hotel, Liverpool on 21st November. Joe
Hill was a creative campaigner, a union activist, free speech agitator,
songwriter, cartoonist, satirist and poet, who was executed a hundred
years ago in the state of Utah. Liverpool's News from Nowhere radical
bookshop and Nerve Magazine chose to organise a celebration of his
life by staging John Fay's play 'The Joe Hill Dream' in an afternoon
of rhyme, reason and song. |
- Saturday 5th
December 2015
The climate of racism against immigrants and Muslims, together with
harsh and uncertain economic circumstances, have created conditions
that have allowed the Nazis to grow. This conference argues that
anti-fascist groups/activist from across our movement need opportunities
to come together to learn lessons from each other and our history.
This enables us build effective strategies to fight fascism now.
New activists need to be developed and supported through education
and actions. |
- 30/11/2015
John Owen reports on the Momentum Conference held in the Florrie
Centre with the aim of rejuvenating the Labour movement after Jeremy
Corbyn's victory. Approximately 120 people attended the debate.
Outside was a raging storm, inside the brewing of a political storm.
The atmosphere was pleasant, amicable even, tense and disturbing,
free flowing and rambunctious, aggressive and thorough, principled
and fair. Following on from the massive surge of the support for
Corbyn in the leadership election, attempting to shift the Labour
party to the left, the mood for a continuing battle with Cameron
is still on. |
Joe Hill (1879-1915) was a songwriter and union activist, framed
and then executed by the state of Utah. His creative way of campaigning
and organising has relevance today for those fighting for workers’
rights. There is a free event to celebrate his life on Sat Nov 21st
at the Adelphi Hotel with music, poetry, discussion and the play,
The Joe Hill Dream, which will also go on tour around Liverpool
and the North West.
- 21st
- 22nd Nov 2015
The Kurdish Community in Liverpool would like to invite anyone who
wants to find out more about Kurdish Life, politics, culture and
ideas, to the Liverpool’s first ever Kurdish film festival.
Bringing to life the Kurdish culture, life and politics through
fantastic drama and documentary films with the added bonuses of
speakers, discussion, music and the very first ever performance
of Liverpool first Kurdish band, Koma Ro Jeeh. |
- 19/10/2015
Column by Sandra Gibson which celebrates the persistence of wildlife
in urban conditions.
When I was a child, churches, chapels, schools
and social clubs held ceremonies called Harvest Home, in which praise
was given to a benign god for the harvest being safely gathered
in and stored, so that the winter could be survived. |
- 15/10/2015
On Sunday 11th October there was a massive fire on Windsor Street,
Toxteth, which destroyed the partly built Toxteth Food Central community
hub. A group of local residents alongside community health organisation
Squash Nutrition, had spent the last 18 months planning Toxteth
Food Central for the benefit of everyone in the L8 neighbourhood
of Liverpool. Now there is a fund to help rebuild it. |
- 22nd to 25th
October 2015
The Liverpool Radical Film Festival is on from Oct 22nd to 25th
and they will be screening a range of powerful films covering such
issues as the deaths of black people in police custody, abuses against
the Kurdish population in Turkey and the most relevant British band
of today Sleaford Mods. |
- Sat 24th October
In recognition of the creativity and loving of life of Kevin Paton,
who sadly passed away a short time ago, there will be an evening
of music to celebrate Kevin and fundraise towards his funeral costs.
This will be on Sat 24th October at the District (ex The Picket),
Jordan Street. |
- Starts Sat 17th
October 2015
A series of live performances hosted by cult Edinburgh Fringe comedian
Top Joe featuring comedy and music kicks off on Sat 17th October
with the debut event featuring comedian Liam Pickford and alt. pop
polymath Esa Shields at the The Well Space on Roscoe Street. |
- Starts
2nd Nov 2015
Christopher Marlowe's amazing and subversive tale of a man who sells
his soul to the devil exchanging 24 years of omnipotence for eternal
damnation. Burjesta Theatre will be performing this startling play,
part morality tale part knock-about comedy in this radical interpretation
of the 16th century Renaissance mindset updated to the 21st century.
- 8th
- 31st October 2015
This exhibition features striking and sometimes abstract nature-based
photographs and paintings by three Liverpool artists during October
2015. It features photographs of Colin Serjent and Jane Groves,
taken in Liverpool and Merseyside, while Carlee Graham is showing
large nature-based abstract paintings. |
- 29/9/2015
John Owen reports from the meeting in support of the newly elected
leader of the Labour party, Jeremy Corbyn, held at the Unite building
on 16th September 2015. |
- 22/9/2015
I am James Jones's mother, one of five Love Activists sentenced
to ten weeks prison last week, and writing this article is my way
of dealing with my emotions. When someone dies or perhaps your teenage
daughter goes missing overnight, or your eldest daughter has just
been mugged in another country, or even when your 20-year-old son
is sent to prison, it feels like the world stops. |
- Starting 30th Sept
Introduction to Animation course: discover the history of animation
and explore the basic principles of creating motion through screenings
and practical workshops, starting on 30th Sept.
Animation Production course: learn about the art of animation and
produce your own animated short film sequence using a range of traditional
and digital techniques, starting on 4th Nov. |
- 15/9/15
Darren Guys interview Sama, a Kurdish Freedom fighter from Kobane,
a city in Northern Syria, who has now claimed asylum in the UK.
In her twenty one years she has lived and seen things that most
people will never experience in their lifetime. |
- 18th - 20th September
Following the success of last year's three day festival,
Hope Fest, the live music festival for the homeless in Liverpool,
will triple the number of venues to be used. Hundreds of bands have
applied to take part, some of the bands confirmed so far include
Alias Kid, Alan McGee's new proteges, as well as Beatnik Hurricane.
- Starting
Wed 16th Sept 2015
Starting Wednesday 16th September at the Casa on Hope Street,
Burjesta Theatre are running a series of theatre workshops with
the aim of focusing actors on thinking about their place in the
world and their relationship to the world around them. |
- 9/9/2015
This series of thirty minute programmes takes the viewer into the
studios and into the lives of artists. The episode on Sir Peter
Blake was part of the BBC's short season on Pop Art. At the age
of 82 he was commissioned to produce his largest work to date: Everybody
Razzle Dazzle, a Pop makeover for the Mersey Ferry vessel
Snowdrop. |
- 27/8/2015
Liverpool was set to be the scene of ‘The White Man March’,
a contentious and controversial march organised by the British Neo-Nazi
group, National Action. Despite widespread media coverage, threats
of race riots and claims of hundreds of skinheads marching through
our streets, the whole thing unfolded in a far different manner.
- Starts Tues
15th Sept 2015
This is a series of workshops introducing and developing some stock
Commedia dell ‘arte characters and practicing some of the
techniques and disciplines used in Commedia dell ‘arte. This
will involve exploring some conventional plot line, styles of improvisation
and pre-rehearsed sketches such as the ‘Lazzi’. |
- 17/8/2015
Column by Sandra Gibson which celebrates the persistence of wildlife
in urban conditions.
Sitting in the garden in the lazy hours of
afternoon, when all the kids have gone to the park and the only
sounds and movements come from insects buzzing round flowers and
fumbling their petals for nectar, is a special time to be savoured,
like good tea in an unchipped white cup. |
- Starts Sept 11th
and Oct 9th 2015
Activism and Film Pre-Production
- A 4 week introduction to the basics of factual film media and
its use.
Activism and Film Production -
A 7 week practical course in shooting and editing factual film.
- 6/8/2015
John Owen reports on the rally for Jeremy Corbyn held at the Adelphi
Hotel, Liverpool on 1st August 2015.
Approximately 2000 people turned up for the
biggest socialist gathering in 50 years. I arrived and saw people
being turned away from the outside door but then realised the event
was inaccessible. Some had gone to the bar, others hung around squeezing
into the door frames just to experience some of the excitement.
It was huge. |
- 28/07/2015
On 24th July, the newspapers reported that Turkish fighter jets
had, for the first time, struck ISIS targets in Syria and rounded
up hundreds of suspected militants within its own borders. Later
on that day, Turkish F16s and artillery began to pound PKK bases
in Iraqi Kurdistan. So how have we ended up in this situation? It
is the aim of this article by Thomas Phillips to explore the events
leading up to the return to war. and |
- Wed 12th
August 2015
Burjesta Theatre are auditioning for their next production,
a modernised adaptation of Christopher Marlowe's 16th century play
- 'Doctor Faustus'. Doctor Faustus is a classic tale of a man who
sells his soul to the devil and eternal damnation in hell in return
for 24 years omnipotence on earth. Auditions will take place starting
from 6.30pm on Wed 12th August at The Casa, Hope Street, Liverpool,
L1 9BQ. |
- 9/7/2015
Lovers of 'crime' novels were faced with a new mystery today at
Sefton Park library - completely empty shelves in the 'Crime Section'.
The crime section was deliberately targeted by a mass borrowing
from members of the Save Liverpool Libraries campaign. |
- 9th - 11th July 2015
Showcasing the work of artists from Liverpool and Barcelona, cultural
exchange LIV-BCN is set to take return to the city from 9 - 11 July
2015 with a programme featuring music, art and film. LIV-BCN will
take place at The Kazimier, Liverpool John Moores University and
Liverpool Small Cinema, and the Merseyside event complements the
Barcelona edition that took place on June 12 - 13. |
- 4th & 5th July
The Revolution in Rojava - An
afternoon of film with Kurdish speakers, music, art and poetry looking
at the situation in Northern Syria and the Kurds. Saturday 4th July
2pm to 5pm, The Casa, Hope Street, L1.
Sponsored cycle ride for Rojava, Syria
- Darren Guy is doing a 60 mile bike ride from Liverpool to Chester
on 5th July for the charity Heyva Sor to raise much needed funds
for Rojava in Syria. |
- 15/6/2015
An analysis of the outcome of the British General Election by John
Owen, a political activist and campaigner and long-term contributor
to Nerve. Political activists across the country will be chewing
over the General Election defeat for the Labour movement for a while,
wondering who, what, why, where and when it happened. |
- 11/6/2015
Lynda-Louise Tomlinson reports on the The Quarrymen Party held at
St Peter's Church Hall, Woolton, where John Lennon performed with
his band The Quarrymen in the church grounds on 6th July 1957 with
a young James Paul McCartney watching with his school friend Ivan
Vaughan. Later that day, Ivan introduced Paul to John in the church
hall, "the most important meeting in popular music history".
- 11/6/2015
New Nerve contributor Lynda-Louise Tomlinson extensively reviews
the International Pop Overthrow Festival, now in its 13th year,
staged at the Cavern Club and Pub. The festival boasts bands and
singer / songwriters from Liverpool, the UK and across the world
with back to back gigs at the Cavern Pub, Club and Live Lounge.
- Saturday 20th June 2015
A play by Howard Zinn being performed at The Casa, Hope Street.
Karl Marx has agitated with the authorities of the afterlife for
a chance to clear his name. Through a bureaucratic error, though,
Marx is sent to Soho in New York, rather than his old stomping ground
in Soho, London, to make his case. The play introduces us to Marx's
wife, Jenny, his children, the anarchist Mikhail Bakunin, and a
host of other characters. |
- 29/5/2015
The Bullshit Gallery is looking for artists responses to all the
bullshit we have endured during the 2015 election campaign. The
Bullshit Gallery is what we are calling the act of displaying artworks
of all media at DumBULLS, 2 Dublin Street, Liverpool, L3 7DT. |
- 11/5/2015
Dave Smith and Phil Chamberlain have written a book exposing how
secret files held on workers by an organisation called 'The Consulting
Association' have been passed between employers, the police and
security services, and led to workers being stopped from earning
a living. Dave Smith is currently on tour promoting the book and
Ritchie Hunter interviewed him for Nerve. |
- Starting
Wed 6th May 2015
In a new series of workshops Burjesta Theatre will be looking at
how some of the worlds great dramatic writers put together
their stories, narratives and plots and then looking at how to them
out. They will examine how they used different techniques
'starting in the middle of a chronology', the big opening,
withholding the hero, ironic knowledge of the
audience' to name but a few. |
- Starts Thursday 30th April,
1pm till 4pm
After a productive taster session at Leaf Cafe, Nerve and WEA are
expanding this session into a 21 hour course on writing features
that make a difference as well as looking at how we can make a positive
impact on the media. The course begins on Thursday 30th April at
Liverpool Central Library at 1pm till 4pm. |
- Starts
Tues 28th April 2015
Following on from the success of the first Women’s Theatre
Course earlier this year Mikyla Jane Durkan starts this new course
with a series of 11 drama based workshops exploring the theme of
‘Firsts’ for Women – both in theatre i.e. acting
on stage, playwrights and some key historical events and to explore
their dramatization. |
- Monday 27th April 2015
Active Community Enterprise (ACE) by public demand are organising
an election debate on Monday 27th April 2015, 1pm - 3pm, at Camp
and Furness, 67 Greenland Street, L8. All the main candidates for
the Riverside ward, including the present Labour MP Louise Ellman
will be answering questions and giving their parties position on
disability. |
- Wednesday 29th
April 2015
WEA's next Talkshop event will look at immigration. You are welcome
along whatever your beliefs to engage respectfully with those with
different perspectives and experience. The event is free to attend
and will be held in The Brink, 21 Parr Street, L1 4JN. The date
of the event is Wednesday 29th April and the time is 7 - 9.30pm. |
- 23/4/2015
The Workers Education Association have organised a series of debates
in the run up to the election. They have proved very successful
with their aim to encourage real engagement with politics. The most
recent event focussed on the Housing crisis. |
- Tues 28th &
Wed 29th April 2015
'BLACKLISTED - The Secret War between Big Business and Union Activists'
by Dave Smith and Phil Chamberlain is to be launched on Tuesday
28th April, 6pm at the Unite building on Islington, with a book
signing on Wednesday 29th April, 1pm in News from Nowhere Book Shop
on Bold Street. The book exposes how companies collude with the
police and the secret services to control workplace employment.
- Saturday 18th
April 2015
The darkest Greek Tragedy of them all - the terrible revenge of
a woman savagely wronged, will be performed at Liverpool’s
most iconic building and all for £3!! So come rain, wind,
or sun - come and witness one of the greatest dramas of all time,
Euripides’ Medea, still standing the test of time, 2,500 years
on... |
- Wednesday 13th May 2015
Launch of a new book of myth and fairytales by David Greygoose,
with artwork by Cate Simmons, a film of images by First Take and
music by Hannah James. Giles Lewis and Emily Portman accompany the
launch and reading which is at the Bluecoat Arts Centre on Wed May
- 3/4/2015
John Owen went along to the rally organised by the Campaign For
Trade Union Freedom at the Adelphi Hotel on March 25th where approximately
eighty trade unionists, community campaigners, and generally politically
active people gathered to hear the high and the mighty, the great
and the greater, and the so-called learned experts on hand, discuss
and debate statistics economically gleaned from the learned tome.
- 23/3/2015
Parameters of Perception - chemicals which alter minds: how I lost
mine and found it again in Neil Campbell's music.
Review of Neil Campbell's CD Tabula Rasa and a bit of introspection
by Chumki Banerjee. |
- 19/3/2015
Paul Tarpey interviews Gina Shaw, who after being diagnosed with
Alzheimer's, has been campaigning to create a dementia friendly
society. The word ‘dementia’ carries a power in itself.
The spectre often clouding realities. The image many of us have
is not one that could easily be associated with Gina Shaw. She is,
however, well aware of common misconceptions and has focussed her
time since her own diagnosis on challenging them. |
- 18/3/2015
Artists for Palestine UK is a growing network of artists, cultural
workers and activists who wish to make a stand in support of justice
and equality for the Palestinians, and defend arts organisations
and individuals who do make such a stand against politically motivated
attacks and censorship. |
- 11/3/2015
Active Community Enterprise (ACE), whose successful Tuesday discos
closed down on Tuesday 10th March at Lloyds bar, moved into their
new disco venue in style on the same day. ACE left their old Lloyds
Bar Venue in a procession at 1.30pm and entered their new venue
at 2pm, via Concert Square and Bold Street. The procession was lead
by the Pied Fiddler of Liverpool, drummers and a numerous array
of magical Liverpool characters. |
- 10/3/2015
Tracey Dunn reports from the Raise The Roof For Housing Conference
held in Liverpool and hosted by Left Unity for 'those directly affected,
all housing campaign groups and committed housing activists'. It
was a very packed room with groups and individuals from all over
the UK. There were many speakers who had ten minutes each to tell
us about their campaigns. Speakers included the film maker Ken Loach,
whose almost fifty-year-old film 'Cathy Comes Home' about a woman's
struggle with homelessness and the welfare system has never been
more relevant. |
- 10/3/2015
A writer and activist from Germany takes a look at the international community in Bosnia
and Herzegovina.
For five months now I have been living in Sarajevo,
Bosnia and Hercegovina. I have six more months to go. During this
time I have been repeatedly approached by friends and acquaintances
asking me if I would consider writing a blog about my experiences.
The idea of openly writing about my life here and the people I share
it with provokes pure antipathy in me. |
- 9/3/2015
This feature by Sandra Gibson was inspired by her watching the BBC
drama series, Wolf Hall.
History aficionados will be waiting eagerly
for Hilary Mantel to write the follow-up to the excellent Wolf
Hall, the everyday story of Tudor wives, written about a time
when power cuts did not so much apply to the candle bill but rather,
affected the neck. The series on BBC 2 was permeated with the threat
of death: from plague, from childbirth, from religious heresy, from
rivalries at court. |
- 6th
March - 31st May 2015
Pippa Jane Wielgos looks at György Kepes' first solo show at
Tate Liverpool which presents over 81 experimental photographic
works comprising of 'camera-less' photograms, photography and photo-montages
during his teaching in Chicago in the late 30's and 40's. Born in
Selyp in Hungary (Budapest) in 1906, he trained as a painter at
the Royal Academy of Fine Arts (Budapest), where he graduated in
1928. |
- Thursday 5th March 2015 at
Launch of two new courses on writing features that make a difference
with a taster session at Leaf Cafe on Thursday March 5th. This session
will outline the two aspects of the courses; turning ideas into
features and challenging how the media creates negative stereotypes.
All experiences welcome. |
- 6/3/2015
Column by Sandra Gibson which celebrates the persistence of wildlife
in urban conditions.
As I walked along the quay of the Albert Dock
I noticed piles of broken shards of mussel shells on the paving
stones. It surprised me how much liquid was released by these shattered
blue-black caskets of edible gold, which had already disappeared
down the gullets of gulls. Of course, I had often watched blackbirds
using the smash-shell-and-devour-snail technology of avian cuisine
but this was the first time I had seen it used by gulls. |
- 3/3/2015
On Saturday 14th February, 2015 the most militant and most active
forces in the city's campaign groups put differences aside and gathered
together to help thrash out a policy to unify the anti-cuts movement
against the growing tide of government cutbacks. All lines of inquiry,
tactic stratagem and slogans - as well as the more traditional standing
of candidates - wrestled against pro-cuts councilors. It was awkward,
messy and protracted yet democratic and kept to the point. |
- 2/3/2015
Hundreds of people with learning disabilities are upset and confused
at the decision by Wetherspoon to cancel their city centre ACE
discos, that have been running every Tuesday for the past
9 years. Wetherspoon the owners of Lloyds Bar in Concert Square
have decided that the disco is no longer for them and have decided
to close their doors on the hugely successful Tuesday afternoon
event, despite the fact that managers at Lloyds bar admit takings
for food and bar are sometimes double that of any other day. |
- 2/3/2015
For the musician with a sense of jet set adventure and an appetite
for discovery and development of their craft, there is no better
destination than New York City. Taking a bite at the Big Apple is
like investing in a lifelong harmonious seed planting which, if
nurtured through practice, will continue to bear fruit with that
well known adage what you sow so you shall reap....
Intrepid travel across the pond can and will increase a performers
insight and ability to enrich their business of making music, or
at the very least, as part of a musical hobby horse it will be an
engaging and eye opening time. |
- 15th
May - 31st June 2015
LOOK/15, Liverpools third edition bi-annual International
Photography Festival focuses its 2015 theme on EXCHANGE exploring
interchanges through a series of exhibitions and events that look
emerging, mid-career and established local and international artists,
including new commissions by Xavier Ribas of the University of Brighton,
Ignacio Acosta (Chile), Jona Frank (USA), and the Liverpool photographer
Tony Mallon. |
- 27/2/2015
Dan Lynch is the voice of Rathole Radio. The online podcast has
been one of Liverpool’s major underground success stories
of recent years remaining resolutely independent and thoroughly
entertaining. Dan wanted to be a musician from a young age. He also
wanted to be John Peel. Then he threw into the mix a slow burning
love of all things Internet. It has all collided with Rathole’s
podcasts and Nerve spoke to him about his journey to cult internet
stardom. |
- Starting
23rd March 2015
The most shocking play from the Classical Greek Age from the pen
of ‘that most tragic of tragedians’ - Euripides. Medea,
lover of Jason has been abandoned by him for the King’s daughter
and now faces exile for herself and her two young sons. But whosoever
thinks Medea will passively accept her fate is dangerously mistaken.
- 8th March
Celebrate International Women’s Day and the achievements of
working class women, locally and throughout the world at the Plaza
cinema on Sunday 8th March 2015 at 7.45pm. This FREE event, in partnership
with Sefton UNISON, features a special screening of ‘Bread
and Roses’ directed by Ken Loach and contributions from two
remarkable local women. |
- 6th March 2015
With Paula Kelly-Ince, 67, Ffrench and Wwilliams, La Bomba, Vinny
Spencer and Alun Parry. On Friday 6th March from 7pm - 10pm at St
Bride's Church on Catharine Street. Tickets £5.
- 10/2/2015
Mayor Joe Anderson opposes the tree loss, but Redrow’s planning
application is still going ahead. Make your objections by 19th February
2015! The campaign give 10 good reasons why save this green space
should be saved.
- 9/2/2015
Column by Sandra Gibson which celebrates the persistence of wildlife
in urban conditions.
By banishing leaves, winter reveals line and
structure; in creating decay and cold temperatures it brings cultivated
grass into prominence. The eye is struck by the fresh brightness
of green in gardens and in public spaces, which contrasts so strongly
with the brown of decay and the relative rarity of floral colour.
- 17th Feb 2015
The WEA are hosting an event with the focus on the NHS as part of
their political engagement events. The NHS is likely to be a crucial
talking point in the coming election and may even decide it so they
feel it vital that people are given the opportunity to come and
speak to others and hear their views on the NHS on what they feel
is the best possible direction for it to take. 17th February at
The Brink. |
- 29/1/2015
Nerve writer Paul Tarpey interviewed a victim of domestic abuse,
Coventry businesswoman Zoe Dronfield, who survived an attack that
left her in hospital with devastating injuries. Her project, I Want
My Mummy, has acted on behalf of thousands of women who have been
victims of domestic abuse. |
- 5th
Feb 2015
The Take is a Canadian documentary film released in 2004 by Naomi
Klein and Avi Lewis. It tells the story of workers in Buenos Aires,
Argentina who reclaim control of a closed Forja auto plant where
they once worked and turn it into a workers cooperative. |
- 19/1/2015
Photograph showing Kefah Mansour, Friends of Freedom and Justice
on the West Bank, getting a copy of the Nerve Calendar off Liverpool
Friends of Bilin. |
- 17th
Jan 2015
One of Liverpool’s most famous sons, Arthur Dooley, is to
be honoured with a day of events on January 17th with a walking
tour, pub crawl, play read-through and documentary film screening
form the basis of the inaugural ‘Dooleyday’. |
- From 14/1/2015
Explore through our Theatre Laboratory an updated version of the
medieval morality play ‘Everyman’ – transformed
into ‘Everywoman’ and the resurrection of certain Norse
myths aided by some Scouse Surrealism for two shows to be performed
in July. |
- 7/1/2015
Column by Sandra Gibson which celebrates the persistence of wildlife
in urban conditions.
Winter exposes the bare-branched filigree wonder
of our deciduous trees. For a brief time the emphasis is on linear
structure rather than plenteous shapes and colours. This is not
entirely true: the bareness of these trees also emphasises the evergreenery
of conifers and ivies and reveals more sky, with its perpetually
changing drama of colour. |
- Starts: 13/1/2015
The course will provide an overview of women in theatre from a historical
perspective. Explore roles and themes relevant to group through
devising and extracts from classical pieces focusing on women as
main characters and challenging traditional and historical views
of women in the arts. |
- 6/1/2015
Paul Tarpey talks to Francesco Mellina whose book "REVEALED:
Youth culture, pop culture, subculture The Photographs of Francesco
Mellina 1977-1982" has just been published. If you have any
interest in post-punk, new romantic or the fashions of many other
rock movements you will have seen a picture he took and his book
is a collection that focuses on a scene that developed from Eric’s
in the late 70s but still inflames the city and its culture. |
| |