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Auditions for The Jesus ConspiracyAuditions for Burjesta Theatre’s next production will be held at The Casa, Hope Street, Liverpool, L1 9BQ on Saturday 9th February, from 1pm till 3pm for men and from 3pm till 5pm for women.(unpaid work - non-actors welcome) We are auditioning for our next production ‘The Jesus Conspiracy’ an original and modern play by Scottish playwright Peter Burton. The play imagines Jesus as a historical, rather than religious, figure, a revolutionary fighting against the Jewish and Roman authorities and portrays his life and death in the first half of the play. The second half of the play focuses on the ‘creation’ of Christianity by Paul, and his transformation of Jesus from a revolutionary into a harmless icon. The play will be co-directed by Mikyla Durkan and Julian Bond. There’s no need to prepare anything, you can just turn up at slightly before either 1pm men or 3pm women. But please let us know you’re coming by texting your name to the following number 07913449396. There are quite a few roles, both major and minor but please note the following: In the play Jesus is married to Mary Magdalene and in one scene they are nude and make love. Anyone who wishes to audition specifically for Jesus or Mary must be aware that they will be required to be nude and simulate lovemaking in this production. But to be clear the audition process won’t include this scene. The scene in the play will be directed by Mikyla Durkan. If you are interested in auditioning we look forward to seeing you. Please be punctual! For more information phone 07913 449 396 or email info@burjesta-theatre.co.uk (Please note we will not be able to respond to calls or emails between the dates of February 4th and February 8th inclusive) Theatre WorkshopsWe will be recommencing with weekly workshops from Wednesday 20th February at The Casa, Hope Street, Liverpool, L1 9BQ and each subsequent Wednesday thereafter. Workshops start at 7pm and run for approximately 2 hours. They cost £2 a session are open to actors and non-actors alike. Please be punctual, bring some water and loose-fitting clothes and trainers as most workshops will involve physical exercise. Workshops will be run by the two Burjesta co-ordinators, Julian Bond and Mikyla Durkan as well on occasions guest workshop leaders. We will be covering all manner of disciplines and styles, subjects and themes. Details will be posted on the website in the week prior to the workshop as well as on our facebook pages. The subjects covered will feed into subsequent productions. Two of the themes we intend to look at over the coming months are ‘clowning’, ‘commedia dell’arte’. The first session on February 20th will be a ‘taster session’ co-run by Julian Bond and Mikyla Durkan. Contact:Web: www.burjesta-theatre.co.uk |