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5/10/2010 The Nerve Centre on the move"Let’s find other places for the Nerve Centre to exist and keep it moving so it reaches as many people as possible!" Steve Eye After 4 full-on weeks of cutting edge art, poetry, music, film, performance and discussion, it became clear that there was not only a demand for a permanent space but there is a definite need. With over 100 events, organized entirely by volunteers on a shoe string budget, and over 2000 people attending the Centre, many staying around to get involved, it became more and more apparent that the Nerve Centre had a future, or at least needs a future. All of those involved delivered an amazing, creative and positive 4 weeks. With openness, passion and commitment, we created, as many people said, ‘something special’.
"(This is) the big one. This stuff
works, for me, because there's no one interest - something like Nerve
covers a lot of interests, a very lot- it's informal, and it's open. People
seem to respond to that." We should have a genuine grassroots arts and culture Centre run by the people for the people, a space were all those who are trying to improve our city have a space to exhibit, perform and discuss. A space that promotes mutual learning, self help and self organisation. A space that is genuinely, like the Nerve Centre, inclusive, that can lift the spirit of not only local artists but the city and its people, a space of genuine empowerment.
We are on the edge of a economic tsunami, and its really going to hit all of us, and its not good enough to just sit back and wait for its impact or even to hope that someone else is going to do something about it. Because they aren’t, no matter what politicians or any other political party might say. It is up to each and every one of us to try and organize ourselves and begin to challenge it, and mostly we can do this by creating alternatives; alternative ways of communicating, associating, organizing and relating to our community and the world around us. At the Nerve Centre we met hundeds of people of all ages who wanted to talk about their concerns, who wanted to be play a part in something new, viberant and genuine, who wanted to use their skills to contribute.
"It was great to see so many people
from different walks of life mixing and sharing ideas. That's the most
valuable thing to me." The Nerve Centre passed over to the Biennial on September 11th but since then around 30 people have been meeting, looking at buildings, funding, aims, community and legislation, building a vision and a plan. They have been looking at developing a long term Nerve centre, a space for local artists, musicians, film makers, poets and activists to gather, discuss, show their work, and promote positive alternatives.
If you are committed to promoting grassroots arts, cultural and critical discussion and would like to play a part in the future of the Nerve Centre then let us know. Leave your comments and suggestions here. Sorry Comments ClosedComment left by Andrew O'Keeffe on 4th November, 2010 at 17:42 |