Age of Consent
By George Monbiot (Harper Perennial 2004)
Reviewed by
Veteran political activist and writer George Monbiot has long been at
the forefront of what he calls the global justice movement, his first
publications were investigative travel books tackling little reported
human rights abuses in the likes of Indonesia, East Africa and the Amazon
and saw him shot at, beaten up, shipwrecked and stung into a coma by hornets
trying to get these stories out.
After being pronounced clinically dead as a result of malaria he returned
to the UK to write the best-selling Captive State which documented the
threat to democracy caused by the corporate takeover of Britain and the
fallings of the New Labour government and the grass-roots activism against
In his latest book The Age of Consent he tackles the main criticism levelled
against him and other activists in the global justice movement of demonstrating
against the problems and injustices of the current world political and
economic system without coming up with a viable alternative.
Monbiot begins by saying, like many he feels a major change or “mutation”
is on the way but protest alone is not enough and proposals are needed
to fill the current vacuum and it must include the whole world. He goes
on to debunk the popular radical philosophies of Anarchism and Marxism
as deeply flawed in a persuasive argument and that he feels that democracy
is the “least worst system”, the only one that can accommodate
constant change in the needs of people and ensure fairness to all. He
continues to say that globalisation in itself is not a bad thing but that
it must be taken hold of and democratised, leading to an “age of
consent” not coercion.
He then describes in detail how the current democratic and economic systems
set up after WWII like the UN and the world bank to level the global playing
field have failed by being taken over by corporate and western political
power and then sets out in detail his own proposals for “levelling”.
Monbiot’s wide ranging proposals are based around 3 core ideas;
A “world parliament” with complete universal suffrage with
representatives based around areas of population rather than current political
boundaries, world wide economic protectionism to enable developing countries
to come up to speed with the rest and an international “clearing
bank” to bring an end to world debt and that these three big changes
would have an effect on everything to climate change to unemployment.
The book sets out a range of radical and positive ideas for levelling
the world system, and bringing it under the control of the people. It
is a good mixture of investigative journalism and philosophy which despite
going into some very deep economic and political theory is still reasonably
easy to read and one of the most admirable aspects of the book is that
Monbiot doesn’t say that his ideas are the only way forward, they
are just his proposals and he invites the reader to come up with better
ideas for change, it is up to them to make things better.
Monbiot’s theories add up to a very persuasive argument and he backs
up all his ideas, however big, with detailed proposals of how they might
be implemented by the will of enough people and makes you feel instead
of something should be done, that something can be done, a real call to
arms. |