Fog of War (PG)
Showing at FACT from 16 -20 July
Reviewed by
This impressive and absorbing documentary, directed by Errol Morris ('The
Thin Blue Line'), looks at the life of former USA Secretary of Defence
Robert McNamara, who held that post during the most bloodiest period of
the Vietnam war.
He was a hated figure in America at that time, particularly in his apparent
callous disregard for the loss of life of young soldiers in that conflict
- over 25,000 were killed in combat while he was in power.
Bizarrely, after running Ford motor company, he was given the job of
Secretary of Defence by President John F. Kennedy "I have no qualifications
for the post..." he said to Kennedy when offered the job.
But that did not stop him having a major influence on America's war
strategy, first under Kennedy then later with Lyndon Johnson.
He spoke in chilling terms how America and the USSR came perilously close
to all-out nuclear war during the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962 over the
issue of the USSR stationing nuclear weapons in Cuba pointing at America.
Holding his thumb and index finger less than half an inch apart, he said
"...we came that close to annihilating each other."
He admitted that Fidel Castro was prepared to see Cubs wiped out by America
rather than bow down to their demands.
"Despite Kennedy and Kruschev being rational people, and aware of
the consequences of what they were proposing to do," stated McNamara,"they
were both prepared to take their countries to the very brink of nuclear catastrophe."
He was ready to admit that mistakes do take place during times of war,
mainly through its unpredictability, hence the title 'The Fog of War',
and he was also guilty of misjudgements himself.
This is a superbly edited film by Morris, with an oustanding soundtrack
by minimaist musician Philip Glass. Morris structured the film into '11 lessons
from the life of Robert McNamara'. Now 85, McNamara reflected back not
only on his time in office but on other major conflicts of the 20th century.
For instance, he spoke of the outrage in the world when America dropped
two nuclear bombs on Japon in 1945, which brought an end to the war in the
"But far worse damage was inflicted, with much larger numbers of
human casualties, during the many instances of incendiary fire bombing
commited by America in Japan, without any condemnation by the outside
Originally granted an hour of interview time with McNamara, Morris ended
up filming over 20, making this an essential film to watch for anyone
interested in the psychology and philosophy of war in its many guises. |