ABOUT LOVE: New Visions
By Bell Hooks, (Amazon Books)
Reviewed by
I was 9 years old when I started to think about love. The journey for
love had begun… You might think it’s a big topic for a 9-year-old:
no it wasn’t. The debate started with myself, with questions like
what is love? Does it have a colour? A smell? Can you touch it? How do
you feel? Does my teacher love me? What about my family? My mum? My father?
Well the questions went on. I was not able to find the answers for each
question but as time past and I grew older, I found answers about love;
I mean every kind of love. I loved my friends, relatives, teachers, and
neighbours – then there was the big boom! My first love. Well, this
was different then the others; it was special. It was a very special feeling
towards this person. The difference, this time was there was no third
person involved – it was shared between just the two of us.
All About Love is a book everyone should read, if they have questioned
love and come up with a conclusion. This book is a summary of your thoughts;
of course there are parts, with which you’ll agree or disagree.
And for those who didn’t read the book, as Bell Hooks says: "when
I travelled around the nation giving lectures about ending racism and
sexism, audiences, especially young listeners, became agitated when I
speak about the place of love in any movement for social justice. Indeed,
all the great movements for social justice in our society have strongly
emphasized a love ethic".
As the title All about Love: New Visions indicates, we want to live in
a culture where love can flourish. We yearn to end the lovelessness that
is so pervasive in our society. This book tells us how to return to love.
All About Love: New Visions provides radical new ways to think about the
art of loving; offering a hopeful, joyous vision of love’s transformative
power. It lets us know what we must do to be touched by love’s grace. |