Cuts Shelved
The conjuring up of over £1.6m by Mayor Joe Anderson to keep all
Liverpool libraries open is a testament to how, if enough people push
together, they can make a real difference.
But libraries should not be seen as a special case; all public services
in this city are important. They provide a fabric of culture, care and
humanity that, if lost, will rob working class people of the means to
enjoy life in the way that wealthy people have always been able to.
In 2010 Liverpool received £500m from central Government, and has
now lost 58% of this as a yearly income. With the government planning
to slash spending even further, this could go down to 20% by 2018.(1) So
by then Liverpool City Council will only get about £100m, which
will have a massive impact on our public services.
The councils' job is to maintain and improve the standard of living for
the people of this city. But they still say they have no choice but to
cut services. Public services are ours by right; they have been fought
for and built up by workers over generations. They can't be taken from
us just because of the ideology of a government. If the Mayor and his
Council can't see any alternative to making cuts, then they should stand
aside and make way for people who are more determined to save our services
and to lead a fight back!
A Matter of FACT
Councillor Nick Small, Liverpool Council’s Cabinet member for employment
and skills has called for a boycott of Picturehouse, based inside FACT,
until all staff are paid the living wage. This is something that Nerve
demanded for FACT workers (see ). Picturehouse are now paying a living wage of £7.85 an hour
to staff in their Brixton cinema after a strike by workers.
Small has stated that: “In-work poverty and low pay are a blight
in our city"(2) Yes, well said Nick. Now extend this philosophy to
all the organisations that the Council give money or contracts to, like
the care services.
Also while you're at it, end all the contracts you have with dodgy firms
such as G4S and Carillion, who have the contract to build the new Royal
Hospital. Nerve supports the motion put by Liverpool Friends of Palestine
to Liverpool City Council that urges them “not to commission goods
or services from companies that are complicit in breaking international
law, or are guilty of grave misconduct, victimise trade unionists, damage
workers’ health or the environment”.
2015 Calendar
The theme of this calendar was inspired by an event singer/songwriter
Alun Parry hosted in April. Love, Hope & Resistance included songs,
poems and writings about working class struggle for a decent life. Out
of the images that were sent to us our editorial team had to make the
difficult choice of choosing twelve. Images were selected firstly with
the theme in mind, but also a balance between photographs and art, colour
and black and white, and also for their Merseyside link. Thanks to everyone
who submitted work. That some images were not used in no way reflects
their artistic merit and with other criteria a totally different selection
would be made.
The same thing applies to written work sent in, although in this case
we were even more stuck for space (see our website for more on this).
1. Treasury asks top civil servants to find £30bn in public service
cuts, The Guardian, 11.11.14
2. Liverpool cinema staff pay rise campaign wins backing, Liverpool Echo,