Profile - David Bateman
Considered Liverpool's most popular performance
poet, David Bateman recently published A Homage to Me - his latest collection
of often surreal and quirky writing.
It is a celebration of his extensive range of work - some of it dating
back to 1980, but the poems still retain their originality, freshness,
and often humorous content.
An unusual aspect of Bateman is that although he normally stammers when
holding a conversation, he never does so when performing his poetry live
on stage.
"I go into a performance mode when reciting my poetry," said
Bateman, "and for some reason I can't explain, I don't stutter in
front of an audience."
in Kent, Bateman has lived in Liverpool since 1980, has written about
the history of poetry in the city, and is currently editing anthologies
of Liverpool poetry.
Since 1997 he has been Chair of the Dead Good Poets Society, Liverpool's
main promoter of live poetry events.
He also writes what he calls "ultra short fiction", stories
which often comprise no more than 250 words, which he performs live along
with his poetry.
"They work well together on stage," he stated, "particularly
the humorous pieces.
"Poetry is in a healthy state in Liverpool," he added. "There
is a lot of open floor stuff, and some of it is of a very high quality." |