Fair in Love and War?
looks at some of
the companies profiting from the invasion of Iraq
It is now widely accepted that the invasion of Iraq in 2003 was motivated
by US desire to control the country’s oil fields. In fact many big
oil companies were given an unprecedented strategic role in planning the
invasion and occupation.
Phillip Carroll, head of Fluor Corp, a major contractor hired by the
Department of Defence for Iraq reconstruction, drafted a Pentagon strategy
for the development of the Iraqi oil industry in the Autumn of 2002, while
the UN inspectors were still in Iraq looking for weapons of mass destruction.
Also prior to the invasion, BP tutored British troops in maintaining and
running the oil fields, which were later seized in southern Iraq. US giant
Halliburton, which provides services to corporations for the exploration,
development and production of oil and gas, was given the task of repairing
and rebuilding the oil infrastructure, accompanying the troops into the
oil fields in this capacity.
Other aspects of the ‘corporate invasion of Iraq’ have been
given less attention; the speed and intensity with which Western corporations
were encouraged to enter the reconstruction economy has been largely ignored
by the mass media. The Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) quickly delivered
around $20 billion in Iraqi reconstruction funds (mainly money generated
from Iraqi oil confiscated during the sanctions regime and from oil sold
during the occupation) to corporations from the coalition states. It has
been estimated that Iraqi companies received just 2%of the value of those
Also largely unreported is the open deployment of private military and
private security companies (PMCs and PSCs) which has been on a scale unprecedented
in recent history. It is estimated that 30,000 private military and armed
security personnel are currently employed by Western PMCs in Iraq.
The UK’s Special Relationship?
The UK expected to reap huge rewards for its prominent role in the invasion
of Iraq; however, to a large extent this has not happened. The ‘prime
contractors’ which won the bids for reconstruction were all US firms;
only one British company, AMEC, was able to benefit by forming a partnership
with the American Fluor Corporation.
With UK companies pushed to the fringes of the reconstruction market
they have adapted to supporting roles in the corporate invasion, and in
these areas have played an almost equal role to the US. British companies
have been very prominent in the expanding market of PMCs; on average 30%
of reconstruction contracts are spent on private security and armed escorts,
so this is a lucrative business.
UK companies have also provided the propaganda, intelligence, knowledge
and the communications systems to sustain the corporate invasion and enable
a smooth transition to a free market economy, allowing Western corporations
to gain access to formerly nationalised markets.
The profits accrued by British business as a result of the occupation
have now been documented by Oxford-based research group Corporate Watch.
A recently released report: ‘Corporate Carve Up: the role of UK
companies in Iraq since 2003.’ details the involvement of 89 of
the British companies that have profited from the invasion to the tune
of a total £1.1 billion. This figure is almost certainly an underestimate.
Many of the companies listed are private security and consultancy firms
with unfamiliar names.
One could argue that these companies are helping the Iraqi people by
rebuilding their infrastructure. This begs the question, however, that
if the invasion of Iraq was intended to help its people, then why is it
that Western and not Iraqi companies are profiting?
As yet it has not been decided which companies will win the jackpot
prize of direct exploitation of Iraqi oil but it is likely that two British
companies, BP and Shell, will be heavily involved.
According to Dave Whyte, a criminology lecturer at the University of
Stirling, who worked on the Corporate Watch report, ‘The transformation
of the Iraqi economy has allowed British and American companies to plunder
Iraq’s oil wealth; but this wasn’t just an act of plunder
and theft, it was also a war crime - the transformation of the economy
by the British and American governments is illegal under the Hague and
Geneva conventions.’
Iraq is considered to be an oppressive regime by Ethical Consumer (ECRA)
due to its poor track record on human rights. The invasion and occupation
have not changed this despite claims by the US that its interference would
bring democracy and Western human rights ideals to the country. ECRA criticises
company involvement in any oppressive regime and urges consumers to consider
avoiding products made by such companies.
The full report costs £5 and can be downloaded from
or ordered from Corporate Watch 16b Cherwell Street, Oxford, Oxfordshire,
OX4 1BG. Corporate Watch can also be contacted on 01865 791 391 or
There are also organisations campaigning on the involvement of US companies
in Iraq: – this site focuses particularly on
the fact that the six most successful companies in bidding for prime contracts
were also major donors to the Bush administration. Also see
The following are the UK companies which have profited most so far from
the occupation:
- AMEC £500m
- Aegis Defence Services £246.52m
- Erinys (Private security) £86m
- Petrol Resources (Anglo-Irish) £56.6m
- HSBC - £36.88m
- Cummins UK (Power) £25.8m
- PB Power - £24.88m
- Control Risks (Private security) £23.5m
- MerchantBridge (Financial) £22.07m
- Global Strategies Group (Private security) £15.48m