Race War to Door Wars
Joe Owens
Reviewed by an ex-member of Anti Fascist Action
I had thought that anyone with any sense would take Joey Owens’
so-called autobiography (Action! Race War to Door Wars) with a very large
pinch of salt. However, some people who should know better have proved
that this is not always the case. So, here’s a review of sorts.
First, I will admit that I haven’t a clue about Owens’ early
life. I also don’t know a huge amount about his life as a bouncer
(which is half the book). I’m not his mum, so that isn't surprising.
I do however, know a fair amount about the mid-1980s in Liverpool, so
this is the bit I’ll concentrate on. I think it’s fair enough
to judge Owens’ book on this period for two reasons: first, for
any book, if one part is rubbish (or just plain dishonest), it doesn’t
say much for the rest of the book. Second, the mid-1980s confrontations
between the BNP and anti-fascists is why Owens says he is writing the
book (apparently in response to the book No Retreat by two Manchester
anti-fascists). So, here’s why I wouldn’t spend any money
on this (I’ve looked at the free download version).
Early on in the book Owens states that the situation in Liverpool “was
a battle for dominance between two opposing ideologies each determined
not to retreat. This decade-long war saw people arrested, hospitalised
and imprisoned. It was ten years of conflict which saw the eventual triumph
of the nationalist will…” After reading this, you would expect
that, at the end of the ten years, Liverpool BNP would have smashed all
its opponents into the ground. The “nationalist will” would
have triumphed. So it may come as some surprise to find that Owens describes
the exact opposite. An increasingly violent and arrogant BNP is met head-on
in the mid-1980s, and collapses. Owens suddenly finds he has better things
to do.
Most of this information is found in the chapter “The End of Politics”.
This is the period from early 1986 to 1988. At the beginning the BNP is
apparently growing. At the end all the main BNP members left – and
Owens also left, to begin life as a bouncer. What caused this collapse?
Owens sort-of hints at what happened. Owens admits to a “war”
with the anarchists. However, according to Owens, these anarchists are
all a bunch of smellies, who run away “screaming” while forever
being hit over the head with iron bars by victorious fascists. These anarchists
are “concerned” every time they visit their centre. Yet they
force all the BNP to resign. Funny that. Something doesn’t quite
add up…. About the only time Owens comes close to how it really
was – back in the mid-1980s – is when he describes a fight
outside the left wing bookshop News From Nowhere. As Owens admits (seeing
as he lost a tooth) it wasn’t a walk over. What Owens doesn’t
explain is why the BNP (including Owens) stopped harassing or visiting
News From Nowhere around this time, and why they stopped selling papers
in Church Street (their ‘spec’ in Liverpool city centre).
According to Owens: “Never did reds drive us from our pitch on
Church Street even when they had double our numbers. It was only when
they outnumbered us five to one or more”. Sounds good – but
Liverpool BNP wrote something very similar in the British Nationalist
magazine back in 1987. I know this because, in 1987, four BNP paper sellers
in Church St, including the local organiser, were confronted by four anti-fascists
– mostly anarchists. All the BNP papers and magazines were ripped
up or confiscated. The article was in the free magazines. The BNP said
they’d be back next week in force – but didn’t turn
up then, or in the long weeks and months that followed.
The BNP lost it in the streets – and not to vast mobs of ‘reds’,
though you’d never guess this from Owens’ account. The BNP
could have tried to even the score by paying a visit, at any time, to
the anarchist centre in town. Instead, rather than risk a head to head,
they chose to repeatedly attack the home of someone Owens calls a “witch”.
Owens obviously knows a lot about these attacks, and says the “witch”
should have been slashed “across the face”. Yet nowhere does
Owens admit he’s talking about a teenage schoolgirl. I never knew
her personally, but I do know she was young (15 or so, maybe less) living
at home with much younger brothers. No-one should be surprised at this.
The BNP were just acting like usual fascist scum – not the heroes
Owens would like the reader to believe.
Owens ends this period with a claim that, after the BNP collapsed, “the
owners” of News From Nowhere (i.e. 4 women) were beaten up in their
shop, at night, by friends of his. “The owners” had apparently
taken to sleeping there to stop fascist attacks. Owens writes how everyone
was arrested, red-handed, but mysteriously no-one was charged. There are
a few things that can be said about this – like how come no-one
heard about this attack at the time? And how come no-one from News From
Nowhere had any actual injuries? Fascist attacks on the bookshop –
including arson – ended long before the BNP collapsed, as the BNP
were forced onto the back foot. Shortly after the BNP collapse News From
Nowhere moved from Whitechapel (near Victoria St) to Bold St. What Owens
is actually describing is anyone’s guess. Fascist victory against
“the reds”, at this time, I don’t think so.
I’ll end with one final point. Owens says he wrote this book as
a response to the book No Retreat – which deals with the many physical
force defeats inflicted on violent fascists by Anti-Fascist Action and
its predecessors. Owens, in the introduction, says he can’t believe
the authors of No Retreat hadn’t heard of him or the trouble he
gave the left in the 1980s. So, you would expect Owens’ book to
give an account of how Liverpool BNP whupped the collective ass of Liverpool
AFA. Except he can’t say this as the total opposite occurred. In
fact, the words “Anti-Fascist Action” never appear in Owens’
autobiography with regard to Liverpool. This is despite all the anarchist
anti-fascism of the time – from the mid-1980s well into the mid-1990s
– being under the AFA banner. Funny that.
Comment left by Joe Owens on 3rd June, 2009 at 18:36 The Liverpool bnp collapsed after attacks on bnp members homes in 1988 (AFA).
I didn't know Hesketh was only 15 years old.
Me and my friends were arrested for attacking News from Nowhere. And yes, they in the shop were attacked.
Yes, reds did drive us from Church St many times.
Some anarchists did run away and some didn't.
Ken Usher and other members did drop their papers and run when attacked by anarchists. I was not there that day.
Most of my physical confrontation was mainly with the swp and militant. I had that fight with an anarchist outside NFN
I don't see where i deny these things in my book?
Anyway, come and see me for a chat if you want, Mr ex AFA.
Comment left by Joe Owens on 3rd June, 2009 at 19:16 Don't forget to Vote BNP tomorrow.
Comment left by Joe Owens on 3rd June, 2009 at 23:20 Go and ask the owners of News from Nowhere were they attacked by friends of mine. AFA only came along about 1988, well after most of my time in Nationalism. I mention in my book they more or less finished Liverpool bnp off. Anyway, hope you enjoyed the book.