Discussions and Workshops
1911 Transport Strike discussion
Friday 8th April at 5.30pm
Adam Byrne
Talk about the Diggers, and events on St Georges Hill, Everton, taking place later this year.
Friday 1st April at 2pm
Arts Funding Cuts on Merseyside - What happens now?
Monday 11th April at 4pm
Asylum in the UK. The reality!
Saturday 9th April from 2pm - 3.30pm
Pa madou was a gambian radio journalist whose community radio station was closed down and his life was under threat, after being critical of the government. Pa Madou has recently been granted asylum after fighting his own campaign to stay in the country he wants to tell people how he done it.
Elia Sad was a photo journalist in Iran. His experience in Iran is documented and he will talk about his experience here as a asylum seeker, the conditions and trauma he has faced.
How the ConDem cuts will affect you and what you can do about it.
Thursday 7th April from 12 - 1pm
Saturday 9th April at 11.30am
Coalition of Resistance
A presentation by Barry Kushner's about this broad united national campaign against cuts and privatisation in our workplaces, community and welfare services. Followed by a discussion.
Saturday 9th April from 4pm - 6pm
Flashmob Workshop
Theatre workshops which will result in a performative demonstration, in the centre of Liverpool.
Saturday 2nd April from 11am - 2pm
Genie in the Gutter
Wednesday 6th April at 1pm
How to set up a permanent Arts and Culture Centre
Tuesday 5th April at 5pm
Internet activist workshop
With Tracey Dunn
Tuesday 5th April from 11am - 12
Is there an alternative to cuts?
Sunday 3rd April from 1pm - 2.30pm
"Open Source" Software
This deals with open source in general - what it means, how it works, the political and social ideas behind it, as well as its history, implementation and possible problems with the open source.
Saturday 2nd April from 3pm - 5pm
Sunday 3rd April from 3pm - 5pm
Philosophy in Pubs
PIPs: Philosophers in Pubs are a group of like-minded people searching for philosophical stimulation in a relaxed atmosphere. A series of debates will take place at Fact throughout the week on a variety of subjects. www.philosophyinpubs.org.uk
Friday 1st April at 3pm - Do we live in
a democracy?
Monday 4th April at 3pm - Official figures
say more than one third of people in Liverpool live on or below the poverty
line, but can we really say people in 2011 live in poverty?
Wednesday 6th April at 3pm - Economic Crises.
Should we pay for the bankers crash?
Friday 8th April at 3pm - The law who makes
it, when should we break it?
Tuesday 12th April at 2pm - Can we run and
police our own communities?
Using "Open Source" Software
Dealing with practical things such as what Linux is, how to install it, how to use it, how to contribute to open source projects and how to use other open source things.
Sunday 10th April from 3pm - 5pm
Writers Advice Desk
Get advice on your writing from Windows.
Monday 4th April from 12 - 2pm
The Woodcraft Folk
Fun for kids!
Sunday 3rd April from 12 - 1pm
Monday 4th April from 11am - 12
Friday 8th April from 11am
Sunday 10th April from 12
Monday 11th April from 11am
W/shop 24 Artists & Makers
Dan Thompson from Artists Makers to talk over Skype at FACT. Dan is part of the Empty Shops network who have been doing some great work down south. So fits in perfectly to the Setting up your Own Arts Centre course that Nerve are running. www.artistsandmakers.com
Monday 11th April from 2pm - 4pm